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Eminent Domain
Appraisal Expertise
We place the highest regard in protecting the integrety of your data and information.  We are required by the Code of Ethics of the American Society of Appraisers to retain each assignment for a period of no less than 5 years.  It is our policy to never divulge or discuss your assignment with anyone.  Nor will we ever use your name in any corporate advertising or provide you as a reference without your written consent.


SMS Appraisal Services like many businesses was born out of the owners life’s experiences.  "No one ever went to college to become a machinery dealer and/or appraiser, that I am aware of."

My Background.

     After leaving the Army I went to work at Smith Tool Company as a machinist machining oil drill bit parts, learning to operate various machines as I progressed through that career path. After four years learning to run different machines I quit because it was not where I wished to build a career. What is your company history? Give a description of achievements, projects and services of your company.


     Shortly after I met an older gentleman while looking for another business. He asked me what the hell do you want? I responded “a job”. He handed me a picture of a 6” Landis pipe threader and said do you know what this is. I responded that I had run one for six months. He asked if I could sell it and I said of course. I was on my way to selling the very machines I used to operate.


How SMS Appraisal Services began.

     In February 1978 I made the decision to start my own machinery sales company and needed to have a name.  My first office was near the Big “A” sign at Angel’s stadium, in Anaheim, CA. My brother in law suggested Stadium Machinery Sales. The name stuck and was the genesis for SMS Appraisal Services later.

     During my more than 32 years of machinery sales I was privileged to build entire manufacturing plants for companies like Union Carbide as well as install specialized manufacturing cells. At times I consulted for major companies to design solutions for manufacturing problems using my years of experience to find an innovative approach in defense and aerospace projects.


All about Machinery Dealer, Appraiser and Project Manager/Consultant

     As a machinery dealer I worked with most of the major auctioneers in the country to auction equipment or to buy equipment for customers. My appraisal business really started when an auctioneer I worked closely with, offered to pay me to tell him what a group of machines might be worth at auction so he could budget for advertising.  I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

     I joined the American Society of Appraisers-Machinery & Technical  Specialties discipline approximately 1992 and began attending meetings every month learning about the intricacies of the appraisal business. At a meeting in 1995 I met Gordon and Carleen Hjelmstrom who took me under their wing and for more than a decade taught me every thing he could about the appraisal business including commissioning approximately 300 eminent domain appraisals. They also encouraged me to earn my ASA accreditation as a Senior Accredited Appraiser. We continue to work together to this day.  For those years I will be forever grateful.

     I attended the meetings for nearly eight years before I was asked to be on the board of directors of the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society of Appraisers.  I served as the Treasurer for four years.  In 2009, I was elected President   I am thoroughly enjoying this experience.  During my presidency we have launched the creation of a new web site for the LA Chapter and continue to create meetings that are educational as well as networking opportunities for our members.

     It is my opinion that everyone who uses or orders an appraisal should be educated in their use. With this in mind I have created a curriculum for banks and government agencies teaching them how to order and read an appraisal. If you are interested in having your staff hear this presentation call me to schedule a presentation.



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